STEMtastic Learning at Thomas County

STEMtastic Learning at Thomas County

Students at Thomas County Upper Elementary and Thomas County Middle School have recently been learning a lot about Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) through special projects with their classes.  On November 18 and 19, Crystal Godfrey from Georgia Power teamed with fifth grade teachers to provide hands-on learning activities related to standards students have been studying in science concerning electricity and magnetism.  The students tested different items to determine whether they were insulators or conductors using an energy stick.  Some of the items used included paper clips, erasers, aluminum foil, and silly putty.  Students learned by making predictions about the conductivity of the items and noticing the similarities and differences between the insulators and conductors.  Georgia Power representative Crystal Godfrey also provided batteries, wires, and lights for students to build circuits. Valarie Williams, fifth grade science teacher, said, “This in-class field trip is an exciting way to make learning fun and connect what they are learning in the classroom with the real world.”

Clayton Woodfin, eighth grade science teacher, and Lindsay Thompson, eighth grade math teacher, also recently teamed up to conduct a STEM lab in their classes. Students investigated the height a golf ball bounced off of a hard surface when dropped from various heights. They had to engineer ways to make accurate measurements with technology.  Students analyzed their data, graphed it and wrote explanations for the patterns they found supported by their evidence. Mrs. Thompson commented, “Students benefit from hands-on learning and STEM activities provide that opportunity.  Activities that incorporate all four areas of STEM challenge students to think in new ways.”




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