Service Learning and Community Service

Last Updated: 8/9/2021 6:43 PM

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others” …… Mahatma Gandhi


Community Service (CS) and Service Learning (SL) Defined

We are all familiar with volunteering and community service, but what can be confusing is when does community service become service learning? Community Service is work done by a person or group of people that benefits others. It is often done near the area where you live, so your own community reaps the benefits of your work. You do not get paid to perform community service, though sometimes food and small gifts, like a t-shirt, are given to volunteers. When students complete community service they can earn either the Bronze Community Service Medal (50 total hours), Silver Medal (100 hours) or the Gold Medal (150 total hours) at the end of their senior year during Senior Honors Night.

 But, what is Service Learning and how does it differ from community service? Service Learning is community service but also has an essential teaching-learning element that connects meaningful Community Service experiences with academic learning, personal growth, and civic responsibility. Service Learning allows students to expand their horizons and foster meaningful relationships with others in their community. Students are now required to submit both their Community Service and Service Learning hours using a separate Google Form, available at this web site. Prior to completing and submitting your Google Form however, you must download and complete the Supervisor Signature Page, get it signed, scan it and then include it in your on-line Google form submission. For a better understanding of community service and service learning, see the Service Learning Guidelines and Service Learning Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) tabs provided herewith.


Service Learning Contact Information:

Lt Col Stann McLeod
Service Learning Coordinator
229-413-1714; 229-403-9525