A Hand on Our Hearts

A Hand on Our Hearts

Patriot Day is a day to remember a tragic event in American history and reflect upon how the world still found light in the darkness.

I don’t remember Sept. 11, 2001. I had been far too young to even comprehend the happening of it. Years later I was educated about the tragedy in history class. In ways, it tainted the idea that our world was perfect; it isn’t, and to be blunt, it never will be.

Patriot Day is an important day because it unites us as a nation to pause at 8:46 a.m. and to remember those who died in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Also, it is a time to honor those who risked their lives performing acts of pure heroism on that day and comfort those affected by the loss of loved ones. My heart goes out to all of them.

It's important for my generation of peers to understand why we observe Patriot Day. Those younger than I am, especially those who weren't born before the attacks, don't have much knowledge of the day. A lesson I took away from the day I became knowledgeable about 9/11 is that I shouldn't take anything or anyone for granted because in a blink of an eye it could all be gone. It’s a day to be grateful and to appreciate the opportunities in America. It’s crucial to honor our losses and essential to grow an appreciation for the service of the first responders, military and everyday citizens on that day.

We also need to be aware that 9/11 is an attack that still has a lingering threat. We will never know when or if it’ll happen again. It’s a scary realization.

What we do know is, no matter what, as a nation we still stand together throughout any tragedy that comes our way. 9/11 shaped this world in many ways, but one way I think we were most impacted was by the unity of people throughout the nation and the world. It brought a kindness and selflessness to everyone, even to people who weren’t directly affected by the attacks. The day made strangers into friends and provided the nation with a sense of comfort and unity during the aftermath.

So, at the appointed time on 9/11 I will stand in silence with a hand on my heart and remember the heroism and sacrifice of that day.

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