Encourage Daily Reading

It's very important for children to be interested in reading, but this is often difficult when children's reading levels and interest levels differ. A high-low reading list is a very good resource to help find books that students will be interested in. Reading magazines and newspapers are also great as they have many short articles, but make students feel grown-up. Reading aloud is a great thing to do, though students will usually come across words they don't know. A few tips for dealing with this are:

  • Encourage them to sound the word out completely, rather than guessing after the first letter or syllable.
  • Have them read the entire sentence with the unknown word omitted. Then ask them what word would fit in the blank.
  • Once they have figured out the correct word, have them read the entire sentence again so they finish without struggling.


If students have particular trouble with sounding words out and resort to guessing, a good activity is to write a list of nonsense words, and have them sound them out. This teaches students to sound the entire word out, without guessing.

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