8th Grade Art  

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Eighth grade students are challenged to develop and refine technical and observational skills as they explore new directions. Discussion of personal strengths and styles of art-making help to reinforce each student’s awareness of and tolerance for individual approaches to creativity.

The elements of art and principles of design are addressed as tools for unifying a composition. Projects focus on mixed media compositions created in a variety of mediums as well as a study of master works created in this theme. The beginning class challenges students to create a two-point perspective drawing of a city block. Students will be creating compositions in oil pastel, pastel, pen and ink, and acrylic paint. Artists studied include Gustav Klimt, Cezanne,O’Keefe, Andy Warhol, and Roy Lichtenstein. Student will create Native American pinch pots as interdisciplinary projects. Students complete a portfolio of pieces which are exhibited on the TCMS hallways and media center and at the system's board offices.
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    Exploring Visual Design, 8th Grade 2nd Half Explo


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