


If your child is working on naming categories here are some examples that they can practice.


“What group do these belong       in?”     

blue, yellow, green

lollipop, snickers, skittles

strawberry, blueberry, orange

snake, alligator, tiger

lemonade, coke, milk

pancake, cereal, eggs

shirt, blue jeans, sweatshirt

ring, necklace, bracelet

teacher, mailman, policeman

lettuce, broccoli, green beans


If your child is working on naming member of a group/category here are some examples for practice:


"Name 3...."

breakfast food




things at school


farm animals

things that are yellow

things that are soft

things that grow outside



If your child needs more visual cues then here are some ideas you can do:

Scavenger hunt: Find three things that have wheels; Find 3 things in the bathroom, Find 3 foods that are crunchy.

Travel around the house: Go from room to room and as the child to find/name 3-5 things that belong there.  For example in the kitchen you may get out fork, spoon, knife and explain that they belong in the kitchen and you use them to eat.  

Google search: Search Google for images of various categories.  This will give you lots of pictures of things that you may not have access to.  Have your child name them to practice their vocabulary.