Seventh grader Freeman wins county spelling bee

Mia Freeman

Thomas County Middle School seventh grader Mia Freeman survived 11 rounds of competition to win this year’s spelling bee for the county schools. To narrow down the competition, prior spelling bees were held at Cross Creek Elementary and Thomas County Middle School for students in fourth through eighth grades.

Freeman walked away a winner after defeating eighth grader Anaya Patel, who was runner up.

“It is exciting to watch our students participate in the system spelling bee each year,” said Lindsay Thompson, Director of Digital Learning and Media Services.  “This type of academic competition allows our students to put their literary knowledge to the test.  We are excited for our winner, Mia Freeman, and look forward to seeing how she does at the next level.”

Freeman will compete in the Georgia Association of Educators (GAE) District Spelling Bee on February 25 in Bainbridge.

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