Physical Education Rules and Expectations

Thomas County Middle School 

Physical Education

Coach Romans


I.   Objectives

1.      The student will demonstrate the fundamental techniques of Physical Fitness, Basketball,  Recreational Games, Volleyball, and Flag Football.

2.      The student will be able to arrive on time with their clothes.

3.      The student should be able to change into acceptable Physical Education clothing immediately and go to the gym bleechers.

·        Acceptable P.E. attire consists of:

·        Sneakers with laces and tied

·        Socks

·        T-Shirt/Sweat shirt

·        Shorts/Sweat pants

·        No jewelry


II.    Class Rules

1.      Refrain from chewing or eating gum.

2.      Refrain from talking unnecessarily or engaging in horseplay during class.

3.      Wear shirt tails in pants at all times during class, and wear pants correctly fastened and belted if necessary.

4.      Refrain from wearing caps or hats in the gym.

5.      Refrain from wearing street shoes on the gym floor.

6.      Refrain from wearing jewelry.

7.      Wear shoes that are appropriate for P.E. activities (No sandals, flip flops, slippers or shoes with the heels out.) Shoes designed for laces must be laced up and tied.

8.      Wear dress out clothing that is appropriate with the school dress code policy.

9.      Remain in the gym until the teacher dismisses you.

10. Line up quietly at the end of the exploratory class.


12. Each time a student violates one of the rules he/she will receive one point. If a

student receives a total of 10 points in PE/Exploratory; he/she will not be allowed to attend a special activity which will take place on a designated day during PE/Exploratory.


III.   Grading system

1.      Each student must dress out and participate in order to earn points for

participation on Monday through Friday. Dress out pants must be shorts and a shirt different from the one worn to school. (Students must bring dress out clothes and change to earn participation points). Students will receive 20 points for each day that they dress out. Example: If a student dresses out 2 days in any given week his/her participation grade for that week is 40, 3 days =60, 4 days = 80, and 5 days = 100.

2.      Each student will be allowed one written excuse (one day per nine weeks) from a parent with no penalty. To avoid being penalized after the first excuse, students are asked to bring an excuse from a doctor.

3.      The final grade will be determined using the scale below:






IV.  Offenses and Consequences

A. Offenses                                             B. Consequences


1. Unprepared for class                             1st offense: Warning (Verbal)

2. Gum/Food/Drink                                  2nd offense: Writing activity

3. Dress Code Violations                         3rd offense:   Phone call home

4. Unexcused tardiness                           4th offense:   Disciplinary letter

5. Horseplay                                           5th offense: Written Referral

6. Chronic Classroom Disruption               6th offense:   School Counselor

7. Lying/cheating/stealing