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In our classroom, we learn math or reading. Students are taught to think things through and persevere to solve problems. We believe that ALL students can learn and it is everyone's job to work together to determine how each child learns best.

  • Google Classroom

    Many of our classroom assignments and resources can be accessed through Google Classroom. Announcements and resources will be listed in the Stream. Assignments will be listed under Classwork. Your child will have access to the Google Classroom through Clever. 

    If you ever have questions about how to do anything within the Google classroom, just reach out to me. I'll be glad to help!


  • Fluency with Facts!

    Math facts fluency has a huge effect on a child's confidence in math as well as their ability to learn higher math requiring those facts such as long division, multi-digit multiplication, fractions, etc.  Please look in the folder to the right, Fluency Information and Resources, for more information and a great site to help your child practice fluency.

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