TCMS Young Authors


Three Thomas County Middle School ESOL students recently presented their published books before a candid audience. ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Languages) students have worked diligently on their books for several months along with the help of their instructor, Ms. Argen Loaisiga. Students have learned to identify story elements as part of the Georgia Standards of Excellence and applied those elements when writing a story of their own.

Juan Diego, an eighth-grade student, used the opportunity to tell his story of how he came to the United States from Guatemala. Juan said, "I always dreamed of sharing my story with other people so they will know how hard it is to move here (United States)." Juan's story tells of how he lived in Guatemala with his grandparents until he was twelve years old, and was then finally able to move to the United States to be reunited with his parents for the first time since he was one. Juan's story continues where he shares his dream of becoming a doctor. Juan says that he studies hard and applies himself in hopes of obtaining academic and athletic (soccer) scholarships to achieve his goal. Juan's book is entitled Diego, The Migrant Child.

The two other middle school authors, Oliver Perez and Matilde Zapeta have only lived in the United States for about six months and spoke no English prior to their move. Writing a story in English is a major accomplishment for students who are just learning English. ESOL Instructor, Ms. Argen Loaisiga said, "I felt like if students can write their own story, they can learn academic vocabulary and literary elements." Along with the three authors from Thomas County Middle School, a total of twenty-one ESOL students were able to write and publish a book this school year. These students are the first English Language Learner authors from Thomas County Schools. Each Thomas County Middle School student will receive a published copy of their book as a gift from TCMS Principal, Jamie Thompson.


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