PAGE Academic Bowl for Middle Grades

PAGE Academic Bowl

TCMS Academic Bowl Team took first place in the PAGE Academic Bowl for Middle Grades on Saturday, December 1, held at Thomas County Middle School.  The team, coached by Heather Ward and Gail Trotter, competed against other schools where questions consisted of all academic areas, as well as sports, entertainment, and current events.  Thomas County Middle School was the only undefeated team of the tournament and will be advancing to the State competition held on January 26 in at Georgia College.

Pictured below in the back row from left to right is Coach Gail Trotter, Hayden Groom, Alex Ward, Grayson Jones, Logan Bell, Campbell Smith, Sara Connell, and Coach Heather Ward.  On the front row is Brady Whatley, Makayla Johnson, Logan Griffin, and Ayden Webb as the team received the first place trophy.

Quiz Bowl

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