8th Grade Christmas Ornament Presentation

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The third annual Thomas County Middle School 8th grade MERIT Christmas Ornament Night was attended by teachers, students, and their families on December 5th in the school media center. Entertainment was provided by the TCMS band. After remarks from MERIT director Dana Studdard and teacher Nancy Rogers, students presented their puzzle piece ornaments that they designed to represent their unique contributions to the MERIT family.

This year as their Christmas service project, 8th grade MERIT chose to collect items for the homeless shelter, Fountain of Life Rescue, in Thomasville. Students recently watched the movie, Same Kind of Different as Me, the story of a homeless man and those who help him, and Michael Carney, who wrote and directed the movie, was the Visions speaker for December.

Collecting toiletries and other items needed was a special way that students and their families could give back to their community during this Christmas season. Jimmy Moore, founder of the mission, was on hand to collect boxes of washcloths, soap, shampoo, deodorant, socks, snacks, bottled water, paper towels, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and toilet paper.

After closing remarks by Dr. Dale Graham, guests enjoyed light refreshments. Dana Studdard explained the significance of the annual celebration, "Our annual Ornament Presentation ceremony is a beautiful night reserved only for our eighth grade MERIT students. It is a celebration of their favorite memories and unique contributions to our MERIT program."

8th MERIT ornament night  

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