Comets and Galaxies and Planets, Oh My!

Who says space is too far away? Not the students in Mrs. Brooks' Science classes at TCMS!

Students in Mrs. Brooks' classes recently blasted off into space with their 6th-grade year by learning about galaxies, planets, and now various space rocks. Through hands-on learning experiences and classroom discussions, students have been super-engaged in their own learning.

During this lab activity, students had the opportunity to experience a fun and tangible way of learning about comets. Comets are known to scientists as dirty snowballs. Students used dry ice, coal, and various soil particles to represent the basic foundations of a comet. Students then applied heat in two ways; by blowing breath and from the heat of the sun. They were then able to see the gas tail that comes off of a comet as it moves closer to the sun.

R. Brooks 9-19-23

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