Safety Protocol Information

Mr. Bill Robertson

Student drivers exiting the student parking lot:

1. Students leaving immediately after school will continue to exit out the back of the student parking lot. Students needing to access Highway 84 will exit on the drive that runs directly behind the school and will turn left at the stop sign.  Students needing to access Pinetree Blvd. will exit on the drive that runs through the agriculture fields and will turn right at the stop sign.

2. Once the Welcome Center is fully functional, students will be able to exit through the front after all pick-up and bus traffic is clear. This is usually around 3:30-3:45 p.m. After that time, the gates will remain open until 8:00 a.m. the next morning.


Student movement during class change:

1. All exit doors inside the fenced in area will be available for use by students during class change. The PREP Academy front doors, and the doors at the end of B Hall and C Hall should not be used during class change.

2. Students will access the Fine Arts wing through the gym (either using the back outside door or using the cafeteria door) or from the student parking lot. Students should not pass through the front lobby or the front office during class change.

3. Students will always use the back doors when entering and exiting the Media Center.


Student drivers arriving to and departing from campus during school hours:

1. All student drivers who arrive to school after 8:00 a.m. MUST enter through the Welcome Center.

2. Student drivers who are tardy to school will check-in and receive a sign-in pass at the Welcome Center. This will allow students to report directly to class without having to stop by the front office.

3. Students who do Work Based Learning or Dual Enrollment courses will also enter/exit at the Welcome Center and check in/out with the attendant who will have a record of students participating in these programs.

4. Student drivers who have permission to leave campus during the day will receive a sign-out pass from the front office before dismissing to their car. Student drivers will then exit through the Welcome Center simply showing the attendant his/her sign-out pass.

5. If a student driver returns to campus (after signing out earlier), they will enter at the Welcome Center to receive a sign-in pass then report directly to class.


Bus riders, car riders, parents and guests:

1.  There will not be any changes to how bus riders are dropped off or picked up.

2. Drop off for car riders will continue as usual with students being dropped off at the front of the school, at the rear of the school by the gym/band room, and on Charlie Ward Blvd. prior to 8:00 a.m.

3. The gates on Charlie Ward Blvd. and the doors to B Hall, C Hall and the PREP Academy will be closed at 8:00 a.m. After this time all drop offs will need to be at the front of the school where students will enter the front office to receive a sign-in pass.

4. Car riders can only be picked up at the front of the school or on Charlie Ward Blvd.

5. Parents and guests should park in the guest spaces provided at the front of the school and enter through the front lobby.


Meet Mr. Bil Robertson:

Mr. Bill Robertson will be manning the Welcome Center. We look forward to having Mr. Robertson meet our students and welcome him to the TCCHS family.

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