Google and eLearning




This year we will be using Chromebooks with the internet to access Google Classroom where we will find eLearning links, videos, tasks, and assignments. We will utilize Clever, a single sign-on service to access many of the learning sites this year. When students log on to Clever they will automatically be able to access learning sites without having to put in additional information. This is to help alleviate the forgetting of usernames or passwords. Think of Clever as our go to "hub" for all things tech. We will still follow our face-to-face curriculum just with a heavy incorporation of technology.

Every child will be assigned a Chromebook laptop that they will use throughout each day for the school year. Students will be expected to treat this technology respectfully and appropriately. Students are asked to bring in headphones and or ear buds. 

Using Chromebooks and Google can be intimidating, but it doesn't have to be! Scroll through the "tutorials link" to view different apps and their tutorials made just for students and parents. If you still have a question or are struggling with a task after checking this out, please let me know. Just remember, we are in this together.