Classroom Policies for all students.

Griner’s PREP Academy “Workplace” Policies

  1. Students will use active listening skills. 

    1. Eye contact

    2. Non-verbal cues

    3. Avoid interruptions

  2. Students will use appropriate workplace language and behavior. 

  3. Students will be punctual to class. 

  4. Students will follow the school dress code and wear proper safety equipment when required. 

  5. Students will follow classroom rules about food and drinks. No vending machine trips during class. 

  6. Students must follow all other school rules and policies.

  7. Cell phones must be turned off and out of sight at all times.

  8. No TikTok.

  9. Students will remain in their assigned seat at all times.

  10.  Students will use the restroom/get water BEFORE the tardy bell rings.

  11. Respect everyone in the classroom.

  12. Students will have a fully charged Chromebook, paper and pencil daily.


Consequences (reset every 9 weeks):  

  1. Warning

  2. Parent Contact

  3. Teacher detention (failure to serve will result in admin detention)

  4. Referral

*Tardies will follow the school tardy policy