SPANISH 1 Term 2 Benchmark Study Guide


As you continue to prepare for your Benchmark in Spanish 1 for Term 2, I recommend for you to include the following topics in your studies.



  • Unit 2 Lesson B Vocabulary 1 p. 70&71
  • Gramatica: Nouns and Using Adjectives to Describe p. 74 & 75 
  • Gramatica: Saying What Someone Does: Present Tense of -ar Verbs p. 78
  • Gramatica: Talking About Schedules: At What Time? p. 80
  • Cultura: El intercambio estudiantl p. 82
  • Cultura: El colegio p. 83
  • Unit 2 Lesson B Vocabulary 2 p. 84
  • Gramatica: Talking About Location or How Someone Feels: estar p. 88
  • Repaso de la Leccion B: p. 95 and 96
  • Vocabulario de la Unidad 2 p. 99


Some of these topics are covered during Term 2; however, they will not appear on the Benchmark due to a limitation of time.

  • Unit 3 Lesson A Vocabulary 1 p. 102 and 103
  • Gramatica: Making Introductions: te, le, les p. 106
  • Gramatica: Using Contractions: al, del p. 107.
  • Gramatica: Asking Quesitons: Ways to Form Questions p. 109
  • Cultura: De visita en la Ciudad de Mexico p. 112
  • Cultura: El Parque de Chapultepec p. 113
  • Unit 3 Lesson A Vocabulary 2 p. 114
  • Gramatica: Where Someone is Going: Ir p. 117
  • Lectura informativa: p. 122
  • Repaso de la Leccion A p. 124 and 125
  • Unit 3 Lesson B Vocabulario 1 p. 126
  • Gramatica: Talking About the Future: ir a + Infinitive p. 129



  1. Remember, I have created Quizlets to help you to study your vocabulary. 
  2. Remember, you should use your EMC Textbook online to review nightly at home. 
  3. Remember, your Spanish Notebook is a great place to go to study your notes that you take during each class. 


Nombre ______________________              Fecha ___________________            Clase ______

  1. Vocabulario de la clase: Provide the Spanish vocabulary word. (pg. 99/vocab sheet)


  1. Pen
  2. Pencil
  3. Eraser
  4. Paper
  5. Notebook
  6. Board
  7. Pencil sharpener
  8. Window
  9. Backpack
  10. Page
  11. Trash can
  12. Classroom
  13. Teacher desk
  14. Student desk
  15. Student
  16. There is/there are
  17. Nook
  18. Marker
  19. Word
  20. Wall
  21. Door
  22. Map
  23. Calculator
  24. Ruler
  25. Newspaper
  26. school
  27. Watch, clock
  28. Magazine
  29. Chair
  30. Chalk
  31. Math class
  32. English class
  33. Spanish class
  34. History class
  35. Science class
  36. Art class
  37. Music class
  38. Schedule
  39. Biology class
  40. Exam, test
  41. Computer class



  1. The verb ser: Complete the sentences logically with the correct form of ser to say where the following people are from. (pg. 51/notes)


  1. Él ____________________ de Caracas, Venezuela.
  2. Yo ____________________ de Bogotá, Colombia.
  3. Tú ____________________ de Quito, Ecuador.
  4. Uds. ____________________ de Lima, Perú.
  5. Nosotros ____________________ de Santiago, Chile.
  6. Ud. ____________________ de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  7. Ellas ____________________ de Montevideo, Uruguay.


  1. Definite and Indefinite articles: Provide both the definite and indefinite article for the following nouns. (pgs. 60 & 62/notes)


  1. ventanas
  2. escritorios
  3. lección
  4. actividad
  5. profesor
  1. Making nouns plural: Make the following nouns plural. (pg. 60/notes)


  1. el libro
  2. la chica
  3. un borrador
  4. el lápiz
  5. una silla


  1. Hispanic influence cultural information: Fill in with the missing information regarding the Hispanic influence in the United States. (pgs. 54 & 55)


  1. These are typical musical instruments used to play Hispanic or Latin music.


  1. United States history and geography have close connections with these countries.


  1. This is a Spanish city that was flourishing in what is now Florida, before the arrival of the Mayflower.


  1. The American cowboy tradition comes from these Mexican farms.


  1. These are American geographical names in which you can see the Spanish language influence.


  1. Technology & clothing vocabulary: Provide the Spanish vocabulary word. (pg. 99)



  1. Computer
  2. Keyboard
  3. Compact disc
  4. Telephone
  5. @
  6. Email address
  7. Printer
  8. Cell phone
  9. Screen
  10. Dot
  11. Mouse
  12. Jeans
  13. Pants
  14. Blouse
  15. Socks
  16. T-shirt
  17. Shirt
  18. Skirt
  19. Shoes
  20. Clothes



  1. Colors & noun-adjective agreement: Complete the sentences by choosing the correct form of a color. (pg. 74 & 75/notes)


  1. Las páginas de un cuaderno son ____________________.
  2. El césped es ____________________.
  3. El bus de la escuela es ____________________.
  4. Los jeans son ____________________.
  5. La manzana es ________________.


  1. –ar verb endings: Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb provided in parentheses. (pg. 78/notes)


  1. Mis amigos y yo ______________  con el profesor de biología. (hablar)
  2. Ella no _______________ la tarea. (terminar)
  3. Nosotros _______________  jeans. (llevar)
  4. Tú ________________  español con Marta. (estudiar)
  5. La clase de matemáticas _______________ a las diez y media. (terminar)
  6. Luisa y Jorge ______________  unos lápices. (necesitar)
  7. Los chicos _______________ camisas nuevas hoy. (llevar)
  8. Yo ________________ con unas chicas. (hablar)
  9. Marta y Anita _______________ un cuaderno nuevo. (necesitar)
  10. Ud. __________________ mucho. (estudiar)


  1. Other cultural information: Answer the following questions about the different celebrations. (use notes)


  1. Días de los Muertos are celebrated on what two days?


  1. What are the memorial altars called that are used for the celebration Días de los Muertos?


  1.  Which celebration falls in September for many Spanish speaking countries in the Americas where these countries celebrate their freedom from Spain with parades, providing special foods, and dance or sports competitions?


  1. Which celebration has different meanings in the Spanish-speaking world, but for all Spanish speakers, this celebration marks a key turning point in the lives and cultures of the people in Spain and those living in the Americas?


  1. Which event celebrates King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella's triumphant entrance into the coastal city of Málaga on August 19, 1487? 


  1. Which object is a representation of a skull used on Días de los Muertos? They are often made into masks worn on the holiday and are also made out of sugar, decorated with icing and eaten as candies.



  1. The verb estar: Complete the following sentences with the correct form of estar to say where the following people are at. (pg. 88/notes)


  1. Yo ____________________ en España.
  2. Los libros ____________________ en la mochila.
  3. Tú ____________________ en la clase.
  4. Ud. y Martín ____________________ en Las Vegas.
  5. Rosa y yo ____________________ en la casa.
  6. Ella ____________________ bien.
  7. Ud. ____________________ en Ecuador.


  1. Modes of transportation vocabulary: Provide the Spanish vocabulary word. (pg. 147)


  1. Car
  2. Train
  3. Airplane
  4. Truck
  5. Subway
  6. On foot
  7. On horseback
  8. Bus
  9. Al
  10. Boat, ship
  11. By
  12. Bicycle
  13. Horse
  14. To walk
  15. Of the, from the
  16. Motorcycle
  17. Taxi
  18. Transportation



  1. Places vocabulary: (pg. 147/vocab sheet)
  1. Provide the Spanish vocabulary word.


  1. Restaurant
  2. City
  3. Library
  4. Movie theatre
  5. School
  6. Park
  7. Hotel
  8. Dentist
  9. Avenue
  10. Bank
  11. Office
  12. Doctor
  13. Street
  14. Downtown/center
  15. Concert
  16. Building
  17. Party
  18. Waiter/waitress
  19. Menu
  20. Close to
  21. Far from
  22. Museum
  23. Plaza, public square
  24. Theater
  25. Store



  1. María is always asking questions. Read her questions and decide if she’s asking questions in la ciudad, or in el restaurante.


  1. _____________________ ¿Dónde está la mesera?
  2. _____________________ ¿Tiene Ud. un menú?
  3. _____________________ ¿Está el parque cerca de la biblioteca?
  4. _____________________ ¿Qué vas a comer? Los frijoles, ¿no?
  5. _____________________ ¿Hay muchos edificios grandes?


  1. Mexican culture: Answer the following questions about Mexico’s culture. (pgs.112, 113, 131 & 132 )
  1. What is the name of Mexico’s City main square?


  1. What is the Catedral Metropolitana?


  1. Where can you find Diego River’s large murales?


  1. Why is Parque de Chapultepec called the “lung” of Mexico City?


  1. What does the name Chapultepec refer to?



  1. Making introductions & contracting prepositions: Complete the following sentences with the words from the list. (pgs. 106 & 107/notes)













  1. Jaime, ______ presento ______ Gerardo y a Inés.
  2. Sr. y Sra. Murillo, ______ presento a Josefa, la estudiante de ______ Sra. Trujillo.
  3. Profesor Machado, ______ presento ______ Manolo.
  4. Cristina, ______ presento a doña Elvira.
  5. Eduardo y Mauricio, ______ presento ______ amigo ______ Rafael.
  6. Gracia y Carolina, ______ presento ______ profesor de la clase de español.
  7. Srta. Carranza, ______ presento a mi amigo David.


  1. The verb Ir: Complete the following sentences with the appropriate form of ir. (pg. 117/notes)


  1. Yo __________  _________  cine.
  2. Claudia y yo _________  _________  parque en bicicleta.
  3. Tú ________  _________  biblioteca mañana, ¿verdad?
  4. Uds. _________  _________  Parque de Chapultepec.
  5. Guillermo y Arturo _________  _________  Museo de Antropología en metro.
  6. Las dos chicas ________  ________ en avión a México.
  7. Andrea ________  ________ a la fiesta en el Zócalo.


  1. Ir a + Infinitive: Complete the sentences by saying what the following people are going to do. (pg. 129/notes)


  1. Nosotros _________________________________ en el restaurante a las seis. (to be)
  2. Tú ___________________________________ por el teléfono en la noche. (to speak)
  3. Mónica y José ____________________________________ el autobús. (to take)
  4. Dona Angelina ____________________________________ al edificio. ( to walk)


  1. Interrogative words: Provide the English Interrogative word for the Spanish word.

(pg. 108)

  1. ¿Quién(es)?
  2. ¿Qué?
  3. ¿Adónde?
  4. ¿Por qué?
  5. ¿Cómo?
  6. ¿Dónde?
  7. ¿Cuál(es)?
  8. ¿Cuándo?
  9. ¿En dónde?
  10. ¿De dónde?


  1. –er verb endings: Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the following verbs. leer, comer, comprender      (pg. 136/notes)


  1. Lucia ____________________ mucho los frijoles.
  2. Los estudiantes _____________________ el libro y la revista.
  3. Yo _________________ los vegetales todos los días.
  4. Tú no _____________________ muy bien el español.
  5. Miguel ____________________ la tarea de inglés.


What is the difference between ser and estar, if both verbs have the same English meaning?