S1 Unit 1 Study Guide

Use this information to guide you as you study for your Unit 1 test. It is only a guide. Although page numbers are given here, topics cover multiple pages not noted below. These page numbers will help you to reach the general area of each topic. Use your EMC Passport account to gain access to your EMC Textbook Online. Also, use your Spanish Notebook as a study tool. Your Spanish Notebook should contain notes, examples, and vocabulary from every class. Additionally, your work completed in Schoology could assist you as you review and study for your test. 

Spanish 1 Unit 1 Study Guide

  1. Mini-diálogos Exercise 4 p. 4 (Answers: 1.A, 2.B, 3.B, 4.A)

  2. ¡Mucho gusto! Exercise 6 p. 4 (Answers: 1.Hola, 2.¿Cómo te llamas?, 3.Mucho gusto, 4.Me llamo..., 5.Hasta luego., 6.¿Cómo se escribe...?, 7.¿Con be mayúscula?, 8.Adiós)

  3. Culture
    • Una gran celebración p. 8
    • Abrazos, besos, y más p. 9
    • La coresia en el mundo hispanohablante p. 28
    • Más sobre los saludos p. 29
  4. Soy de las Américas p. 10-11
  5. Unit 1 Lesson A Vocabulary p.22
  6. Greetings (saludos) and Farewells (despedidas) p.23
  7. The Spanish "You": Formal and Informal p. 26
  8. Telling Time p. 23 and p. 30 and p. 34-35
  9. Counting 0-100 p. 11 and p. 31
  10. Unit 1 Lesson B Vocabulary p. 40
  11. Unit 1 Vocabulary p. 43
  12. You should be capable of reading and answering simple questions in Spanish. Examples of the questions you should be able to read and answer include, but are not limited to, the following:
    • How old are you?
    • What's your name?
    • Where are you from? 
    • How are you? 
    • What time is it?
    • How do you spell your name?
  13. Recognizing Classroom Expressions p. 7
  14. Countries, Captials, and Locations p.10