Interested In Hiring A Student?

ToyotaThe success of the Work-Based Learning Program is primarily based on the quality of the placement of the student in a business and the instruction that the student receives as part of the work-based learning segment of the program. A key individual in work-based learning is the designated mentor.

An integral part of work-based learning is a supportive adult, referred to as a mentor, who is linked with the youth apprentice, intern, or employee. A mentor provides guidance and encouragement to the student employee as well as is involved in the teaching of work tasks and job responsibilities to the student.

Employers aid the student's education by assessing performance, creating relevant curricula, and developing occupational skill standards specific to business and industry. No matter a student's plans for the future, the Thomas County WBL program offers a real-world experience that will benefit students.

Please see the Business Partner Handbook for additional details on what to expect when working with a WBL student.

Learn How Work-Based Learning Can Help Your Business/Company

Become a WBL Placement Site

YAP/WBL Employer Evaluation Form

Business Partner Handbook

Employer Letter