WBL Orientation and Expectations

orientationWork-Based Learning/Youth Apprenticeship Orientation Information

1. Students MUST have good attendance

2. If a student is absent from school, you must call/e-mail me the day of or sooner and that means you do not work that day as well.  If you are absent from school you can NOT go to work.  If you miss work you MUST call into me and your supervisor.

3. Using Google Forms, located in WBL Google Classroom, students MUST sign in or out daily for an easy 100 every Friday.  Set an alarm if needed to remind you to sign in or out until you get into the habit.  20 points will be deducted for each day a student does NOT sign in or out. 

4. All assignments can be found in the WBL Google Classroom and are organized by months.  All assignments have a due date and assignments are due on or before the due date.  Each day late will be 5 points off daily until received.  

5. All assignments EXCEPT hours/wages documentation and employer evaluations MUST be turned in electronically through Google Classroom.

6. Hours/Wages MUST be (turned in by student) and Employer Evaluations (turned in by Supervisor).  Supervisor MUST sign both forms.  Each form can be found in Google Classroom. 

7. Students who have 2 periods of WBL must work at least 10 hours a week.

8. Students who have 3 periods of WBL must work at least 15 hours a week.

9. Remember to give your evaluation to your employer 2 weeks prior to the due date in Google Classroom.  Supervisors are busy and could also be out of town on business.  Evaluations MUST be faxed, e-mailed or placed in a sealed envelope from your Supervisor.  

10. Students need to check their emails DAILY.  Please do NOT send me messages through Remind. 

11. Students MUST have their own transportation.  They can NOT ride with another student.

12. Any students who begin to have attendance or behavioral issues can be removed from the WBL program.

13. A good rule of thumb… give your Evaluation to your employer 2 weeks prior to due date… in case supervisor is out on a business trip for several days.  Evaluations MUST be faxed, e-mailed and placed in a sealed envelope from your Supervisor

14. WBL students are REQUIRED to attend monthly meetings during Club day. They can select Blue or Gold to attend. Once they select, they will receive a Club Card and placed on a roster. Location for meeting has not been determined at the moment.

Use the LINK HERE to watch the recorded WBL Orientation Presentation.  Please make sure to sign in using the Google Form so I know you viewed the required presentation. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Miranda at 229.413.1792 or by email at bmiranda@tcjackets.net.